Sunday, January 20, 2019



This morning the story of Ruth was on my mind; I even posted a devotional meme that talked of Ruth not going back to what was familiar. Because of this - and because she stepped out in faith and walked into the unknown - she came face-to-face with her divine destiny.

If any woman ever had a reason to look back, and even go back, it was Ruth. No one would have blamed her. No one would have thought her weak or scared or wrong. She would have been doing the natural thing, the human thing. That thing that we all do at times when life is overwhelming, or the choices are too hard, or the decisions are too scary. We go back to what we know. To where we feel the safest.

But Ruth decided to be PRESENT, and because of that, her life was never the same.

One evening last week, I spent about an hour on the phone with someone so very precious to me. Young enough to be my daughter, and yet possessing the talent and wisdom and grace of someone so much older, she is a true inspiration to me. I listened as she "talked out" things that were on her heart and decisions that lay ahead of her. It's in those moments that I think I pray the hardest, "Lord, give me the right words to say. Don't let ME get in the way." When she had talked and I had listened, only one phrase ran through my heart, and then my head, and finally out of my mouth.

"Faith walk it."

Walk it out.

This applies to most all of us. There are times when we come face to face with that choice: play it safe, or faith walk it. Lay it all out there. Put that talent to use. Let your heart feel. Make the decision that doesn't necessarily make sense to others. Go with what you know and trust.

In the introduction to The Lipstick Gospel by Stephanie May Wilson (review coming soon!), Stephanie addresses the two types of people in this world: the people with a map and those without one. Both ways can bring you to places of great beauty, and they can also both carry you through arduous times. For the planners (raising my hand high here, because I fall more deeply into this category than the other) you at times arrive to your destination only to realize it looks nothing like you thought it would. And sometimes when you don't plan at all, you still manage to stumble upon something more perfect than you would have ever picked out for yourself.

There's not a right or a wrong, even though the extremes of each find it really hard to understand the other! LOL:) Either way can lead to beauty. Both ways can lead to heartache. The decision lies inside of us, with that still, small voice that directs when we can release control enough to listen. Truly listen.

And then faith walk whatever it is that He speaks to us.

It's in these moments that we are truly, reverently PRESENT.

My word for this year is just that. PRESENT. Let me be like Ruth. Let me not play it safe, just because of fear or uncertainty, or because I might fail. Let me be messy, but beautiful in His sight. Let me be bold, but only because what lies ahead is worth the extra effort. In short, let me move forward despite my fears, insecurities, and - in those times when I am unsure of the next step - let me not be afraid to pause, to rest, to reset, and then begin to move forward again.

Just don't let me look back.

Let me be present this year. In the lives of the ones I love the most. In the wake of the dreams I pursue. In the hearts of those who need me to be strong. Let me show up. Do the hard work. Take advantage of opportunities that others view as risks. View a closed door as a reason to venture out an open window. Or time to dance in the hallway while I wait...

Let this planner be diligent, aware, and wise, but don't let me miss the spectacular because of fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone.

Let me be...


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