Wednesday, November 28, 2018


I passed out like a toddler who missed a nap last night. Came home from work, changed clothes, went straight down to the venue and worked there for a few hours, came back home and ate a wonderful dinner that a dear friend had sent us, and then found. my. pillow.

So when I woke up a few minutes ago and noticed the time, I fully expected to be able to roll over, snuggle down further into the warmth of the covers, and enjoy a couple more hours of good sleep. But it didn't come. I've learned over the years, to make use of these moments. They are like stolen nuggets of what I call "prime time." 
I've been meaning to blog all week about changes coming up with The Bohotique, an amazing holiday benefit venture - The Denim & Diamond Gala - that Mike and I are hosting this weekend, as well as talk about a great new thing I tried out and can't wait to blog about called Front Door Fashion. 
But this morning I can't get away from this one word: SEASONS. 
Seasons come and seasons go. We can count on it. Summer fades into fall, fall into the crisp winter season, which sprouts anew each year into spring. Spring saunters into summer and the cycle continues. It doesn’t matter what part of the country you live in, even moody 'ole Texas, seasons are evident.
“There is an appointed time for everything.And there is a time for every event under heaven.” -Ecclesiastes 3:1
It’s inevitable: CHANGE HAPPENS. Change can be perceived as good, like springtime bursting forth: job changes, birth, children moving out, new friendships, or going to college. Change can be perceived as negative, moving into the winter season: job loss, death, children moving out, friendships ending, or divorce/separation.
Cycles continue, life progresses on and CHANGE HAPPENS. 
Whether positive or negative, change usually brings feelings of fear, anxiety, indecision, tension, confusion, hopelessness. Our emotions are a part of change. Seasons of change can last for a few weeks, months, and even years. Change lasting longer than expected can often be agonizing.
Oftentimes, we lose heart or vision during seasons of change, because it doesn’t appear anything is happening. Learning to trust God with change can be challenging.
In a natural sense, we know that seasons change. There’s winter, spring, summer, and fall. And although I’m not about to get poetic on you, I simply want you to truly recognize that just like the natural seasons change, the same happens as it relates to seasons in our lives. Yet, the key to success in getting through any of them well, is first recognizing where you are.
Over and over this morning I have read the verse in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season.” Ultimately God is in control of all of the seasons, whether natural or within life. So it’s important for us to recognize that from the start. Everyone goes through seasons. EVERYONE. Yes, even the woman in the next cubicle who looks perfectly put together every. single. day. and has the perfect hubby and the perfectly behaved kiddos and gets regular promotions, keeps a clean house, and STILL finds time for hot yoga and making her own baby food. 
Listen gal, if you have a friend like that...back it up. She's about to BLOW. 
Just a real brief run down on the major seasons I've experienced. (And I SO wish I could say that after you've been through a really tough one, you may not have to visit that one again. may not...:)
1. The Dry Season
This is no doubt a tough season! Trust me. I’ve been there at various moments in my life, and I personally know how hard this one can be. For Christians, it’s usually called a spiritual dryness or a dry season. It’s when God is quiet or you can’t hear His voice or sense His presence as you once did. He seems very distant.I believe one of the keys in getting through this challenging season is realizing that you are in this particular one, and to press through it. Meaning draw closer to Him anyway. Don’t wither up. Continue reading His Word. But also talk to Him, even though He’s quiet. Because guess what, sis? He is there. He hasn’t left His throne. I have a lot more to share on this season, but it feels like maybe its for another day. 
2. The Waiting Season
Let me kick this one off by saying, "Waiting is NOT easy!" If you’re there now, I know…I know. Aaaaaallllll the praise hands that I haven't really been here in a while. Truth be told, if I had known in those times what I know now...I might have cherished those pockets of time a bit more. Rested. Reset. Read more. Learned more. Soaked up more. Traveled more. Waiting doesn't have to mean sitting still. It merely means waiting before making those life-altering decisions, the ones that will follow you to the end of your life. But while you are waiting - whether it's on that Godly husband, the dream job, the big move, the long-awaited baby - waiting can be quite difficult, but it can also be a time for you to rest your body, mind, and soul in preparation for what is coming. God has not forgotten you.
3. The Grinding Season 
This is the busy season. Dear Lort, Dear Lort. How well I know this season! This is the “I don’t have enough time in a day to get everything done!” season. The "Hey, can we please add 3-4 more hours in between 7 and 1 because that's MY prime time; before and after those hours, I'm riding the struggle bus for realz, y'all! You know what I mean. That faded out, broken down piece of junk that you got from an uncle's friend that owed him a favor. Yeah....THAT bus. It gets the job done. But it takes a long time. And you usually wind up dirty, hungry, and suffering from a hot flash. 
But seriously. I’m in this season right now as I write this to you. But the key to success and accomplishing much in this particular season is seeking God for direction the moment your feet hit the floor. Actually, BEFORE. I breathe the words that now hang on the wall of our bedroom, "Be still, my soul." I try to drain my mind and body of all except the breath coming in and going out and allow the day to greet me with a gentle kiss instead of that proverbial slap in the face. Then I plow through priorities when the work day begins. Attacking your priorities first will also help alleviate undue stress. I make lists. I am usually at my desk in my classroom by 7:15 and I'll sit down with a cup of coffee and make out the to-do list for the day. You'll be amazed at how much you get accomplished when you do this. Try it.
4. The Tests & Trials Season
If you’re going through some hard times in this season, know that God is with you right there in the midst of it all. He’s totally at work. I know it’s hard when you’re in the middle of it, and you might not even understand what you’re going through or why. But I want to encourage you that God knows, and in due time, all will be revealed. In the meantime, don’t give up or get tired of doing good, sis.
This season will pass. If you need comfort, let Him comfort you. If you need strength beyond yourself, let Him strengthen you. Beyond this, don't be afraid to reach out to someone and ask for help. I'm preaching to the choir here. I'm still pretty lousy at doing this. At my age, it's not so much about pride or trying to keep up appearances anymore; it's more of being aware that so many people have it so much tougher that I do! The truth is that we all have those days - and sometimes those weeks and months - when we need a sisterhood to surround us, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We need praying partners who can touch the Throne for us when we are unable to crawl there on our own strength. I'm so thankful for the women in my life who do that for me. It's a gift, and one of the greatest blessings we're given. No mean girls or drama! Ain't nobody got no time for that!! 
I actually meant to get up and write about what's going on in life this week and what's coming up at the B&B this weekend. But these thoughts have been heavy on my heart the past few days. When I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, I knew this was my few stolen moments of writing time. It also means that my "prime time" may end at noon-ish today - fingers crossed for a long, productive day in the classroom, at the B&B, and in my home! 
Be well, people! Whatever season you are in, know it is temporary. So if it's that cool, perfect fall breeze, then hug that baby up a little closer, give a few extra hugs to your sweet man, high-five all of your students...If it's the early chill of what promises to be a long, hard winter, wrap yourself in the promises of His word - it will NOT fail you.  Lean on the capable shoulder of a friend; allow them to feed you soup. Know Spring WILL come, and with it new life, new growth, new possibilities. 
Until then...may we all labor well in our season.

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