Tuesday, January 8, 2019

YOU know what I meme.

Late last night was one of those times when just about everything was striking me as really funny. I sat in bed, reading by my little clip light, trying not to disturb Mike, who was about half-asleep, when I glimpsed my phone lighting up on my nightstand. I reached over and picked it up, and scrolled my latest notifications for a few minutes. The very thing you are NOT suppose to do when you are trying to wind down for the night:)

But like I said, it was just one of those times and everything was funny. We had experienced a bit of a "heightened" day at school, we teachers, going through the second part of our A.L.I.C.E. training, which prepares you for active shooter situations. We role-played several scenarios and, just being honest, it was a bit unnerving. Plus yesterday would have been my mother-in-law's 99th birthday! And even though we would not call her back to this earth and all its earthly pain and problems, we definitely still feel her loss, especially on days like yesterday. Between those two events, Mike was just slap-dab tired and there I was wired, reading, and laughing.

"Hey babe..." I whispered in case he was already asleep.

"HM??" Not asleep, just has his eyes closed.

I held up my phone. "Did you see the meme Mandy posted?"

"Meme? You mean mime?"

"No, a meme. You know what a meme is, don't you?"

"Well, sure." Eyes still closed, he acted out a MIME feeling out a wall. "But it's called a mime, not a meme."

Full out laughing by now, I made him open his eyes and look at the meme. "Okay. So that's a meme?"

"Yes! How can you not know what a meme is? Where have you been?"

"Oh, I don't know. Stuck here in the country, I guess. I don't get out much. Ride the tractor a lot. Haven't been traveling." All of this spoken in his best ever hillbilly voice.

"Whatever. You know what a meme is." I went back to my book.

After a few minutes..."I don't know what you meme." He mumbles. I laugh.

Another few seconds. "Okay, now you're just being meme."

I keep reading.

Very quietly, he continues to mumble, "Meme-while...."

It's so nice when you can end a stressful day full-out laughing with your best friend over...meme-ingless things, isn't it?

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